Family Law Representation
At DiManna Law Office, our goal is preservation of family relationships in the face of contentious issues. While we always strongly advocate your rights, experience has demonstrated that there is often more to be gained through a collaborative effort, to resolve family conflicts through negotiations or mediation than in contested hearings and trials before judges and juries.
At DiManna Law Center located in Kingston, New Hampshire, family law is the core of our multi-faceted practice. Strong ties nurtured over a lifetime mean few relationships in our lives can rival those we have within our families. Like any relationship, both internal and external forces affect family dynamics. Marriages, births and adoptions generally have a positive impact while divorce, issues of paternity, domestic violence, child abuse or death can shatter the foundations on which a family is formed.
Whether you are seeking to define the parameters of an up-coming marriage though a pre-nuptial agreement, preparing a legal separation, resolving domestic conflicts or are faced with the break-down of your marriage, an experienced family law attorney can protect your rights under the law and provide legal advice and guide you in making informed decisions. We have expertise derived from experience in family law. Our firm regularly assists clients with problems in all aspects of family relationships including, but not limited to:
- Divorce
- Legal Separation
- Annulment
- Child Custody
- Child/Spousal Support
- Visitation
- Division of Marital Assets
- Pre-nuptial & Post Nuptial Agreements
- Marriage Settlement Agreements
- Adoption
- Paternity
- Domestic Violence
When you turn to DiManna Law Office, LLC for legal help with your crucial family matters, we ensure that you have the information you need to make crucial decisions that will affect your family now and in the long-term.
DiManna Law Philosophy:
There are few cases which should not be mediated. We believe in the concept of mediation in order to save time, money and aggravation to families. We will always be amenable to mediation, except in cases of abuse where mediation may not be appropriate. It is important for an individual going through a life changing event such as divorce, to be willing to take care of their needs. We want clients who want our help to approach this life changing event from the standpoint of taking care of their minds, their bodies, and their spirit.
The best way to take care of the mind is to get educated. We provide clients with our "Divorce Client Notebook" as well as with brochures, magazines, and books that deal with their specific situation. For example, if a client wants to try and negotiate a divorce with their spouse, at we provide Herb Cohen's book on negotiation, You Can Negotiate Anything. By educating yourself, you gain confidence from knowing that you are helping yourself, which in turn reduces your fear, improves communication between you and the attorney, and it is easier to understand the meaning of different events throughout the case.
It is important for clients to monitor their diet carefully, eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet enhances performance and elevates mood, both of which are necessary tools for enduring this life changing event. Clients should also exercise regularly which can enhance your mood and reduce the effects of stress. It is also important to have a check up with your doctor so that no underlying medical conditions that may need to be addressed through your case are not missed.
Finally, clients should take care of their spirits. It is important for a client to be open to seeing a mental health counselor. This is because you are going through a stressful life experience and therefore should have a well-trained person guide you through it. A counselor can serve as a guide to the myriad of emotions that you will experience throughout the divorce process. It is important to set aside time weekly to take care of yourself, do something you enjoy on a weekly basis such as a walk on the beach, or worship at religious services on a weekly basis. As an attorney, I deal with crises daily and know firsthand that this requires me to pay careful attention to my mind, body and spirit.